Entries by Edward Ring

Questions About Water for Governor Newsom

August 24, 2022 Perhaps borrowing ideas from our More Water Now campaign, Newsom’s rhetoric on water policy has taken a decisive and encouraging turn. On August 11, Newsom said ‘What we are focusing on is creating more water, moving away from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance.” “Creating more water.” Are these just new […]

More Water Now Initiative Needed Now More Than Ever

May 25, 2022 With the benefit of hindsight, there is little we would have changed in the More Water Now initiative that we carefully crafted last summer and spent the Fall of 2021 and Winter of 2022 attempting to qualify for the November 2022 state ballot. The proof is in recent events, both meteorological and […]

More Water Now Campaign Looks to 2024 to Qualify Water Infrastructure Funding Initiative

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 1, 2022 Direct inquiries to press@MoreWaterNow.com, or call 279-345-9934 Today the More Water Now campaign announces an end to its efforts to qualify The Water Infrastructure Funding Act of 2022 for the November state ballot. Despite crafting an initiative that would solve California’s challenge of chronic and worsening water scarcity, and despite recent […]

Water Initiative Announces Ten Days Left to Attract Major Funding

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 21, 2022 Direct inquiries to press@MoreWaterNow.com, or call 279-345-9934 Today the More Water Now campaign, formed to qualify The Water Infrastructure Funding Act of 2022 for the November state ballot, is now ten days away from being pulled from circulation due to inadequate financial support. With the possible exception of the historic Prop. […]

More Water Now Campaign Issues Last Call to Donors

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 14, 2022 Direct inquiries to press@MoreWaterNow.com, or call 279-345-9934 Today the More Water Now campaign, formed to qualify The Water Infrastructure Funding Act of 2022 for the November 2022 state ballot, announces “last call” for major donors to provide the necessary funds. Virtually every expert in California agrees that more water […]

More Water Now Campaign: New Year Update

December 28, 2021 As we get ready to celebrate the beginning of 2022, the More Water Now campaign wants to thank the nearly 300 individuals who have already donated to our volunteer effort, and the hundreds of volunteers who are circulating petitions all over the state. Thanks to their generous contributions of time and money, […]

National Latino Farmers and Ranchers Association Endorses Water Initiative

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 16, 2021 Direct inquiries to press@MoreWaterNow.com, or call 279-345-9934 Today the More Water Now campaign, formed to qualify The Water Infrastructure Funding Act of 2022 for the November 2022 state ballot, announces another major endorsement, from the National Latino Farmers and Ranchers Association. “What President Biden has done is fine but […]

California Latino Water Coalition Endorses Water Funding Initiative

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 8, 2022 Direct inquiries to press@MoreWaterNow.com, or call 279-345-9934 This week the California Latino Water Coalition has endorsed the Water Infrastructure Funding Act of 2022. They join a growing list of organizations, agencies, municipalities, business groups and politicians that have endorsed this initiative because it offers Californians a future of pure, […]

More Spending on Water Infrastructure Helps ALL Californians

December 3, 2022
Direct inquiries to press@MoreWaterNow.com, or call 279-345-9934

Every once in a while, Californians have a chance to make everything better. This is the objective of the Water Infrastructure Funding Act, a bipartisan attempt to bring California’s water infrastructure into the 21st century. If this ballot initiative is approved by voters in November 2022, it will allocate two percent of the state general fund to water infrastructure projects until those projects yield five million acre feet per year of new water per year.

Imagine living in a state where water scarcity is a memory, jobs are plentiful, housing is affordable, and grocery aisles overflow with the most diverse assortment of fresh and affordable food in the world. Imagine living in a state where a clean and reliable supply of drinking water reaches into every neighborhood and school in every community. Imagine a state where even during prolonged droughts, water rationing is unnecessary, and rivers and wetlands are ecologically healthy.

Rebuttal to LA Times Criticism of the More Water Now Initiative

December 2, 2021 You can say this for Pulitzer Prize winning columnist Michael Hiltzik, he doesn’t conceal his biases. His description of our attempt to fund water projects to prevent a drought induced water supply crisis in California? He writes: “A majestically cynical ploy being foisted on taxpayers by some of the state’s premier water […]